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Mystic Conch Shell V5 Product Manual
Pull the string firmly until a click to activate the sound module.
Demonstration Video (V4+, Pre-Uploaded)
How to upload new sound files.
The USB C plug can be used to connect the sound module to your computer, treat it as a USB thumb drive. You can charge the sound module with any standard USB port. If your computer does not recognize the USB device, try unplugging and replugging or turning the module off and on.
To replace the sound files simply delete the old folder or files and replace it with your own sound files (mp3). If you put files into the drive without a folder there will be a limit of about 130 files. However if you put it into a folder in the drive there won't be a limit. The sound module has a randomizer chip built in, the sound files cannot play in order. It does not matter if you put the files in folders on the drive or not.
If you notice that the memory is less than 8 mb or has an error with uploading, you must reformat the sound module to file system: FAT (default). There should be enough memory for 200+ voice lines of standard sound quality at around 3 to 5 seconds per line. If your USB keeps disconnecting from the computer: charge it separately for a while, then try again.
Troubleshooting Guide
1: String no longer retracts:
Your string came off the pulley retraction mechanism. You can repair it in the same way as the V4+ version. Please refer to the video below on how to repair it. When reassembling make sure to push the sound module all the way in. There is a ridge inside the conch that locks into the lip of the module, it will click into place.
2: No sound when activated:
The sound module has a ON and OFF button. Use it to reset the module if there are any errors. Please be careful around the switch because it it fragile and can break. If it breaks you will have to use a needle tip to flip the switch.
Your battery might be out of power. Try charging the sound module with the included USB C cable.

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